This page is to share resources that a prospective patient, hygienist, speech pathologist, dentist, physician, chiropractor or other health care provider would find useful when considering oral myofunctional therapy.


Where can I learn more from Dave?

  • To learn more about courses Dave is teaching and courses he recommends visit

  • Are you interested in learning more about becoming a myofunctional therapist? Dave is currently teaching with the MyoMentor Institute - you can learn more information at MyoMentor. His current role is leading study clubs for newly graduated myofunctional therapists and teaching new myofunctional therapists how to build and grow their practice from launch to success.

  • Would you like to take a ‘crash course’ on myofunctional therapy? Sarah Hornsby has a great online course where you can learn some of the basics about myofunctional disorders at

  • Dave frequently teaches an in-person or virtual 1-hour study-club style course in the local Seattle area. If your office, study club, dental association, or hygiene association is interested, send me a message at Dave also is available for virtual classes through zoom. Email for availability.

  • Are you a myofunctional therapist looking for individual one-on-one coaching? You can book a 30 minutes zoom consultation with Dave for $100 at

Myofunctional Therapy and Pediatric Dental Care

Myofunctional Therapy and Atypical Swallow (also called: Tongue Thrust Swallow)

Myofunctional therapy and sleep apnea


Myofunctional therapy’s effect on bed wetting

  • Effect of breathing re-education on bed wetting: PDF


Combined effect of tongue tie release surgery with myofunctional therapy


Combined effect of myofunctional therapy and orthodontics

  • Study showing the importance of myofunctional therapy in combination with orthodontics when treating ‘anterior open bite: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2008.07.016

  • A study showing the connection of tongue tie to a narrow roof of the mouth: PDF


Effect of Myofunctional Therapy on TMJ pain, clenching & grinding


Neck and shoulder pain




Lip Seal


Connection between pelvic floor dysfunction and tongue tie


Connection between the tongue and posture

The Connection between the Tongue, Posture and the Nervous System:


Books to read:

Here is a list of great books to read about myofunctional therapy, breathing, tongue posture and swallowing:

  • Close Your Mouth, by Patrick McKeown

  • Six Foot Tiger Three Foot Cage, by Felix Liao, DDS

  • Tongue-Tied, by Richard Baxter, DMD

  • GASP, by Dr Michael Gelb

  • Jaws, by Sandra Kahn and Paul Ehrlich

  • The Oxygen Advantage, by Patrick McKeown

  • SOS 4 TOTS, by Lawrence Kotlow DDS

  • Baby Led Weaning, by Tracey Murkett

  • The Evolution of the Human Head, by Daniel Lieberman

  • Deep Nutrition, by Catherine Shanahan MD

  • The Dental Diet, by Dr Steven Lin

  • Feed Your Baby and Toddler Right, by Diane Bahr

  • Nobody Ever Told Me (Or My Mother) That!, by Diane Bahr

  • Sleep Interrupted, by Dr Steven Park

  • Breath, by James Nestor

  • Breathe, Sleep, Thrive by Dr. Shereen Lim

  • Accomplished: How to Sleep Better, Eliminate Burnout, and Execute Goals, by Karese Laguerre

  • Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve: Self-Help Exercises for Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Autism

  • Breathing for Warriors, by Belisa Vranich and Brian Sabin

A work in progress

This page is a work in progress - check back often for updates. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list of available research but rather a quick reference for frequently referenced articles and papers. If you have a paper you think should be included, please email

We are just beginning to realize how common and varied are vicious habits of the lips and tongue, how powerful and persistent they are in causing and maintaining malocclusion, how difficult they are to overcome and how hopeless is success in treatment unless they are overcome”.
— Dr. Edward Angle (Treatment of Malocclusion of the Teeth (Ed.7), Philadelphia: S.S. White Manufacturing Company, 1907).